A.W. Whitey Westphal
A.W. Whitey Westphal
8715 Timber Edge Drive
No. Ridgeville, OH 44039
H (440) 748-1809
C (440) 452-8427
“Whitey” hired out on the Chicago and North Western railway in June of 1944 as a Brakeman/Switchman in Fremont, NE. He was promoted to Conductor in 1947 and continued his employment on the railroad until 1960. Elected by the Nebraska Legislative Board to serve as State Representative in the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature where he served full time until 1965. Appointed to the position of Manager of the Legislative Department for the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen in Cleveland, OH in June of 1965 and served in that capacity until 1981. During that period “Whitey” organized the Regional Meeting Seminars and reorganized the Political Action Committee (TPEL) of the Trainmen.
In 1981 was appointed to the office of Director of Legislative Research of the United Transportation Union (UTU) in Washington, D.C. This involved testifying before the Congressional Committees and lobbying in the Congress for Railroad Workers and Retires.
Retiring in 1986 “Whitey” first joined NARVRE in San Antonio, TX in 1967 as an 801 National Unit Member. In 1987 joined Unit 19 in Cleveland, IH and was promptly named legislative representative for the Unit. Serving in that capacity until 1992 when he was elected to the office of National President of NARVRE in Wichita, KS. “Whitey” Served for sixteen (16) years, choosing not to continue after 2008.
“Whitey” Continues his interest in NARVRE and Railroad Retirement as the Retiree Representative of the Moody Law Firm, Designated Counsel for NARVRE. Our principle goals are to increase and provide protection for NARVRE Families, organize and Charter New Units for the membership.
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