What is NARVRE?

What does NARVRE offer?
- NARVRE represents your interests in Washington by protecting and preserving your railroad retirement benefits.
- NARVRE will represent you personally, when necessary, on issues related to your retirement benefits, without conflict of interest. Your retirement benefits are our sole reason for being.
- NARVRE will keep you informed of any developments affecting your railroad retirement benefits through its legislative representatives and monthly NARVRE newsletter.
- NARVRE will provide information that will be useful to current railway employees, veteran railway employees, as well as to retired employees.
- NARVRE will provide a venue, through unit meetings, for you to air retirement concerns, whether you are a member of an active unit near your home or a member-at-large.
- NARVRE will let you know to whom in Washington you should write and when in order to preserve your retirement benefits.
Interested in attending a seminar or becoming a member? Get in touch below!

Our Objective
The object and purpose of N.A.R.V.R.E, organized as a nonprofit corporation, shall be and is exclusively
- For educational, scientific, literary and professional purposes of studying, promoting, and disseminating the philosophy and principles underlying the legislative process in order to further the growing interest in the continuance of Public Law #162 enacted by the 75th Congress of The United States of America on June 24, 1937, commonly referred to as the Railroad Retirement Act;
- To bring into closer cooperation the railway employees, both active and retired, of the country;
- To inculcate and uphold the general principles necessary to protect the standard of living for all current and former railway employees, and to lend moral aid and strength to the activities of its members, the Standard Railroad Labor Organizations, senior citizens groups and other organizations, who are promoting the general welfare of retired people in The United States of America;
- All within the meaning of Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Our Foundation
NARVRE was organized on September 6, 1937 by recently retired 66 year old persons, the same year that the Railroad Retirement act became law. In 1938 there were only five units. At the present time NARVRE is incorporated in the District of Columbia and the insignia is registered with the UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE.
NARVRE has four National officers, and eight area directors. NARVRE is the only Federal Chartered Railroad Association in the industry.
What NARVRE Does
NARVRE publishes a newsletter 10 times a year. Our national officers keep us informed as to what is going on in our newsletters and emails that would affect us. We write letters, send emails and make calls to our Congressmen and Congresswomen to let them know how we feel about current legislation.
Your Link to Congress and the U.S. Senate
Before 1974, railroad veterans had been granted several temporary pension/annuity increases. These were to be made a permanent part of pensions in the Revised Railroad Retirement Act of 1974. The act was passed by Congress and then passed to the President for his signature.
The President vetoed this act. The veto would have cut pensions by 1% but NARVRE was highly instrumental in saving it through the Legislative Advisor’s alertness. NARVRE MEMBERS made extensive contacts to Congress and they overwhelmingly defeated the veto. Again in 1983 and 1984 the administration wanted to cut 40% of pensions once again but NARVRE members (you and I) worked together to stop them.
Do you realize that you could only be receiving 49% of what you are getting today?
It makes a person stop and think what can happen to our retirement if it were not for NARVRE members working together on this issue. Everyone that is or about to receive Railway Retirement would benefit by being a member of this organization to help save our retirement.
NARVRE will support bills in congress that prevent any reduction in our pensions, as well as any bills that improve the well being of railroad employees, retirees, spouses, widows and widowers.
Currently NARVRE is composed of 146 units located throughout the United States with membership in 48 states. The association is governed by by-laws which provide for the election of National Officers at a biennial convention held on even numbered years by delegates representing all units of NARVRE.
NARVRE Works to Improve Railway Worker and Spouse Benefits
NARVRE had been working for a number of years to get something done to improve the benefits for spouses of the Railway worker. Upon the death of railway person the spouses retirement was drastically cut. Several years later NARVRE met with Rail Labor and Rail Management, to add to the bill for working railroaders to retire at 60 with 30 years of service. It took until December 21, 2001 to get this bill passed and signed by the President.
NARVRE members sent 100,000 letters every week plus thousands of calls, emails to get this bill passed into law.
Protect your pensions/annuities and benefits
We have to work together all the time to protect our pensions/annuities and everyone should be a member and thankful there is a NARVRE ORGANIZATION we can belong to that cares about each of us and our pensions/annuities. Everyone has worked long and hard for their Retirement. We are inviting you to join us to help protect our pensions/annuities and benefits.