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W. “Whitey” Westphal, Past President September 2017

The “August Recess” is over. Congress is back at work or at least that is what is assumed. They have shown little interest in accomplishing anything is recent months. And there is so much that needs to be done. For example, there is the many Appropriations “ills necessary to continue the operation of the government the future. These bills must be completed by the close of the Fiscal year September 30. While it is very important the Congress always leans toward a Continuing Resolution and nothing is accomplished.

We, as Railroad Retirees should be pleased with this “no action” procedure. 0n the other hand we must be concerned in that this time presents an opportunity for idle hours to be spent in searching for funds to supplement the budget etc. We do not want them to in any manner look towards the Railroad Restatement Trust Fund or Railroad Retirement Investment Trust (RRIT). This may occur in many areas of legislation, but generally speaking it must be initiated in the house of Representatives according to custom and design.

In previous Sessions of the Congress this action has taken place. However, with close cooperation with the parties we were successful in having the proposed action eliminated. This action involves the close and dedicated cooperation of National 0fficers and Local Unit Leaders who communicate with the rank and file to take action in communicating with Representatives in the Congress. This important effort involves many members who take the time to commune with Congress. It is the way it works; letting them know what the voters back home are concerned about. Some will wonder why we are always concerned about additional membership in NARVRE. This is one of the most important reasons.

Recent information involves alleged calls to members urging them to send funds into an address purporting to be for Railroad Medicare. A call to the o1ce in Augusta, GA debunked this alleged request. Railroad Medicare is funded via the taxes we pay each month. The Railroad Retirement Board designates a contractor to implement the program for Railroad Retirees. Always indicate you are under Railroad Medicare. Be aware and informed.

National 0fficers are concerned with the Financial status of the organization and plan to do something about it. This Representative of the Moody Law Firm together with the National Officers, Tom Dwyer, National>resident, Tony Paella, National Vice President and Gary Faley, National Legislative Director will meet on September 14 and 15 in 0live Branch, MS site of the National 0ffice to review the status of NARVRE and Financial Figures related thereto. According to National Secretary-Treasurer Philip Stuard it is necessary and prior to the National Convention it is mandatory.

We plan to meet and attend the regular meeting of Unit 18 which will allow the National Officers to present their venoms in a timely manner.

Please keep in mind we are an estimated one year away from the Mid Term Elections. It does not seem possible that the time has passed so quickly, however, the time will soon be upon us and the TRV and airwaves will be complete with commercials from candidates seeking office in the Congress.

We also must keep in mind the fact NARVRE election of officers will be held this year and it is important to elect qualified candidates for the Unit Officers who serve the membership in your Unit. Unit Officers are so important to the present and future of NARVRE. Without the current leadership of the Unit Officers we would not have had the success in Washington, D. C. that we are so proud of. After all, were it not for the success of our Units, the monthly Annuity we enjoy would not be a current deposit in our banking facility each month. Think about it and remember the need for increased membership is always present and important.

You have, no doubt, read or heard about the Opioids Crisis currently effecting millions of people each month, week and/or day. This activity is very serious and we pray NARVRE members are not affected by such activity with prescription drugs. We are fortunate to have the Moody Law Firm available and at your beck and call via telephone 1-800-793-4816 toll free to inquire about any alleged Prescription Drug which may or may not affect you and/or your family. This is a very serious matter and one which shouldn’t be taken lightly. Make the call; be informed about issues that may affect your health. you can do something about it.

See the Prescription Drug insert in the content of this presentation. It is inserted for your use in being informed on these serious issues. It costs you absolutely nothing to be informed and aware of drugs which may be adversely affecting you and/or your family member.

August “Whitey” Westphal
Past President and
Retiree Representative
The Moody Law Firm

Prescription Drug Insert