The First 100 Days of “The Unity of Purpose”
The Unity of Purpose was recently implemented by your Executive Board, including:
National President: George Boatwright
National Vice President: Ron Hylla
National Secretary/Treasurer: Phil Steward
National Legislative Director: Gary Faley
They worked closely and diligently to submit proposals to the Governing Board consisting of those above and eight Area Directors. We already have an informational conference scheduled for September 21, 2022, in the Chicago area. The Governing Board met once in person and then have continued to meet by Zoom. During each meeting, the conversation centers on making immediate and future plans for promoting NARVRE. We are trying to reach not only retirees but current railroad employees.
As a result of these meetings and tireless effort put in by volunteers and members, we will now be able to extend our reach by moving forward with informational events in various cities. We al have the aforementioned convention scheduled for September 21, 2022, in the Chicago area. In the following month, we will also report on the progress made in Andover, Minnesota (Twin Cities).
We would like to thank Unit 109 Legislative Director John Filter for signing up nine new “veteran” members at IAM local meeting in Roseville, Minnesota. We would also like to express our sincere gratitude to Jeff Doerr. He worked hard to get the IAM local to mail out 1200 letters to the railroad retirees in their area, inviting them to join NARVRE. These are only two examples of the tremendous work done by our members. There are countless other examples of members going above and beyond to share the many benefits of NARVRE membership. We salute you all! Please keep up the fantastic work!
We want you to know that we are working right alongside you. Recently we had a table set up at the Southeast Regional BLE&T meeting. We interacted with 265 attendees and had the opportunity to hand out the new glossy, modern, and fancy trifold brochures. We made many new contacts and felt excited that many of these people will indeed become new members in the following weeks.
In October, the National President along with area 6 Director Gary Marquart and Area 8 Assistant Director Bob Mcintyre will attend the BLE&T 5th National Convention in Las Vegas. We are looking forward to having the opportunity to reach 475 delegates and their spouses. We also look forward to speaking at the Ladies Auxiliary meeting. Thank you also goes out to Jones Granger Law Firm, which is sponsoring our place at the convention. They will be on hand as well to answer questions.
We have also aligned with TLC Insurance Group, an insurance broker for Medicare. TLC will be accepting meeting requests for units. They will even feed you when you come to their informational meetings. They will promote NARVRE just as the law firm Jones Granger does.
We have exciting days, months, and years ahead of us. As always, let us remind you that we could never do so much to PROTECT, PRESERVE, and PROMOTE your railroad benefits without your contributions. We have being doing it for 85 years and plan to continue in the future.
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