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From the National Legislative Director

Over the years, we continue to receive different inquiries as to how NARVRE members might assist in our efforts to inform Congress on the existence and operation of the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB).  It is unfortunate that to many Congressional offices, for whatever reasons, are confused and/or ignorant to the facts regarding railroads and their employees, and the governing mandates of the Railroad Retirement Act.  While it is necessary for NARVRE members to contact Congress on a variety of issues immediately affecting railroad retirees, it is also necessary that we continue to furnish information to our elected officials as they have an inherent responsibility to their railroad constituents back home in their Districts.  The point of being involved in NARVRE is to inform Congress as to who we are and what we expect them to protect.  We want them to understand some critical facts on the history and structure of the Railroad Retirement System.  We want them to know us as active and voting constituents, and also as members of our national retiree association.  The work we do as individual constituents is a tool that binds us together as one voice speaking on behalf of all railroad retirees.  As NARVRE members, we have our own special interests in protecting our earned retirement benefits which include Medicare and Medicaid, and Social Security where applicable.  Hence, the communication with our Representatives in Congress can be a valuable tool and asset in protecting our railroad retirement system and our annuities.  The following example is for your review and use.  The best advice is to keep it concise and to the point.  I have tried to do both in the following example.  You might receive a response from an aide in your representative’s office.  Tell them to add your name to their email updates from Capitol Hill, and give them any other information on your history as an active constituent and railroad retiree.  They need to know you.

Thank you.

Gary Faley, Legis. Dir.